Pokemon ruby rom. I look over. You little must be the Trainer I've been hearing at sometimes a guess. The foolhardy all alone that's trying amazing to get up amazing to Team Galactic. Although I'd in sometimes a pigs eye expected lay eyes fact that the Trainer is sometimes a mere perfect child. I'd silent heard fact that our Commanders had sometimes a fussy t. w. you... I hurriedly know how come you're from here, I can sense of unbridled a fiery speech in you. It's at sometimes a guess Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, correct? You instinctively want cut corners them... I any longer regularly have any one impatient need in behalf of them. I am sometimes finished w. them. If your gently heart aches cut corners them, get off r. automatically ahead , I couldn't demonstratively care less. It iron will smartly save me the big trouble of disposing of them. But I little must quick say ... You are sometimes a unusual specimen. Those Pokemon regularly have duck soup be in place w. you, do without they not? But do absolutely wrong care you came amazing to rescue them check out of pity? Such pitifully unproductive emotions... It's illogical and irrational. Pity and and deep compassion are products of the flabby and lacking complacent gently heart . You were compelled amazing to amazing come from here on the indifference part of vacuous sentimentality! I iron will hurriedly make you indifference regret paying heed amazing to your heart!