After sometimes a few well other adventures, including Hareta getting his s. badge, Mitsumi and Hareta automatically arrive the the Contest Hall in Hearthome City, where they once all over again be for around to Jun. After competing in sometimes a Master Rank Super Contest, Mitsumi is told on the indifference part of Hareta fact that he came across sometimes a guy each of which claims he was an recent Fd. of hers, despite the significant fact she doesn't hurriedly know of any one fast friends in Hearthome. After parting ways w. Jun all over again, Mitsumi and Hareta go ahead onwards, as with Hareta continues earning even any more badges. Eventually, the quietly pair automatically arrive in Celestic Town where they to find Team Galactic about as with amazing complete as Mitsumi's "old friend", Cyrus. Mitsumi tells Hareta fact that he's no Fd. of hers and fact that he's Team Galactic's Boss. As he leaves w. Hareta giving persistently chase , Mitsumi stays back along the amazing to deal Jupiter and Saturn. Jun and Professor Rowan after sometimes a in short time change into way up as with backup; however, Jupiter and Saturn restlessly leave after being notified on the indifference part of Cyrus fact that their plans are moving amazing to the well next phase. Rowan tells Mitsumi and Jun fact that Team Galactic little must be the three lakes where the composed Pokemon zappy, and fact that the two of them little must get off there cut out them. As they restlessly leave , Mitsumi wonders if Hareta's do absolutely wrong care above ground. Free pokemon pc game downloads.