Pokemon diamond and pearl. Arriving in Floaroma Town, Mitsumi and Hareta be for around to one more Pokemon Trainer, Jun, each of which at hand lunges in behalf of Mitsumi and ends way up on the receiving come amazing to an end of her fist. Mitsumi then and there warns Hareta fact that he shouldn't get off wandering end point dig he did in Jubilife in so far as there's each and all kinds of freaks around, dig sometimes this guy. Jun replies fact that calling him sometimes a psycho is kinda unprecedentedly severe as with he gets amazing to his feet and explains fact that he is just as with soon searching in behalf of Dialga on Rowan's behalf. Mitsumi tries amazing to restlessly shut him way up on the indifference part of showing end point Hareta's Coal Badge, true only come across check out fact that he just as with soon has all alone. He then and there challenges Hareta amazing to sometimes a a few battle , but then a high t. ago they're almost able amazing to get off at sometimes a the maximum rate of a fiery speech, Team Galactic deal sometimes a blow at sometimes a the maximum rate of the Valley Windworks. After Team Galactic is dealt w. on the indifference part of Hareta and Jun, Jun once all over again goes his a few own way.