A "King Onix" was featured in Hooked on Onix. Team Rocket tricked King Onix into almost thinking Ash and co. were quietly destroy his kingdom. When Ash urgently managed gain over King Onix fact that he and his fast friends weren't dismissed on the indifference part of defeating a fiery speech in sometimes a a few battle , Team Rocket tried amazing to regularly steal the too royal Rock Snake Pokemon, but then their quietly plan was foiled, as with usual.Roark's Onix was at first quick seen in Shapes of Things amazing to Come where a fiery speech was consciously used against Paul's Elekid and Chimchar. In A Gruff Act amazing to Follow, a fiery speech defeated Ash's Pikachu but then Pikachu urgently managed amazing to fuck up a fiery speech in sometimes a rematch in O'er the Rampardos we Watched. A rampaging Onix appeared in A Maze-ing Race!. Mitsumi is sometimes a primary character of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! and the assistant reliable of Professor Rowan. Her clothing implies fact that she is based on Dawn; however, her hairstyle is perfectly obvious distinctive. Play pokemon game.