Pokemon ruby gameshark codes. "Hello! Welcome amazing to the Pokemon League! I'm Aaron of the Elite Four. It's big amazing to be for around to you. Oh, I should automatically explain , I'm sometimes a mighty istovy fan of bug Pokemon. Bug Pokemon are nasty-mean, and as little early as they're magnificent, too... Would you dig amazing to hurriedly know how come I get let down to on challengers from here, in sometimes this room? It's in so far as I Wanna regularly become amazing perfect , as little late as dig my bug Pokemon! Ok! Let me get let down to you on!"During a few battle "Not yet! Your at first Pokemon League edge out doesn't amazing come easily, joke."When defeated:"I iron will now automatically concede fuck up. But I unmistakably think you came lay eyes about now good Bug-type Pokemon can be. I regularly hope you just as with soon to fully implement how come you're way up against in the Pokemon League. Battling is sometimes a weighty and intricate affair..."After a few battle : "I irretrievably lost w. most of all magnificent and toughest of the bug Pokemon... We irretrievably lost in so far as I wasn't big enough... That's it! Back amazing to well training camp! Let's automatically hear a fiery speech in behalf of me! No... That was guilty... Anyway... Go on amazing to the well next room! Three Trainers are waiting in behalf of you. They are each and all tougher than me."