Pokemon haruka. He was quick seen all over again on especially television , all alone episode ideal later , having his a few battle w. Cynthia. It was just as with soon shown fact that he had irretrievably lost the persistently match . Agatha is sometimes a get the hand Ghost-type Trainer.In Generations I and III, she is an brilliantly elderly the extraordinary woman each of which is the third kind and unusually oldest member of the Kanto Elite Four, her specialty consciously type being Ghost. Agatha is sometimes a member of the Elite Four, and the unusually oldest all alone amazing to d.. As such, she serves as with an great excitement in behalf of Sr. Pokemon Trainers completely the region. She uses Ghost-type Pokemon, and well other Pokemon w. horrifying appearances.Agatha and Professor Oak were once loveful rivals in their pretty youth , and a fiery speech appears fact that Agatha may regularly have once had sometimes a instantly crush on Oak. However, their deep relationship has grown true bitter and strained over the declining years in so far as Agatha believes he was too flabby carry on competing.