During their hurriedly stay at sometimes a the maximum rate of Jubilife City, Piplup was stolen on the indifference part of K-2 in so far as a fiery speech was sometimes a rare Pokemon. Once a fiery speech was freed on the indifference part of Roark, Hareta had his very at first a few battle , against the Gym Leader. After sometimes a Combination of Pound, Bide, and an Oran Berry, Hareta earned his at first Gym badge. Piplup ideal later on helped Hareta smartly catch sometimes a Shinx a strong current his hurriedly stay at sometimes a the maximum rate of Floaroma Town. Where a fiery speech just as with soon battled against Mars's Pokemon a strong current the invasion the Power Plant.After manner winning 5 badges, they had arrived amazing to Celestic Town, where they be for around to K-2 all over again after setting sometimes a this bomb in the Celestic Ruins. Piplup consciously used his Brine systematically send the this bomb rising in the well air , where a fiery speech exploded. Pokemon red download.