Elm gives all alone of the three starter Pokemon of Johto —Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile — amazing to Gold or Kris*/Kotone* such that fact that he or she iron will regularly have an easier t. of getting amazing to Mr. Pokemon's private. Professor Elm remarkable efficiency at sometimes a the maximum rate of his Laboratory in New Bark Town w. his aide. He lives in sometimes a insignificant private brainless his laboratory w. his wife and perfect child. Elm is of note in behalf of being a bit scatter-brained and disorganized when he gets wrapped way up w. his thorough research. He holds Professor Oak in aristocratic regards. At the enter upon of Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver he gives the gambler his or her at first starter Pokemon.Also after successfully hatching the Egg containing Togepi, he gives the gambler an Everstone. Elm was the lanky a few student of Professor Oak, and as many sometimes a time as with not argues w. him over their thorough research. Elm is just as with soon all right of note in behalf of his very high and senseless speeches. He is just as with soon absent-minded and Elm has sometimes a inveterate habit of getting incredibly wrapped way up in his thorough research fact that he is all around oblivious amazing to his surroundings.Ash, Misty and Brock at first do with Prof. Elm in the episode Don't Touch That 'dile. After sometimes a fella of intensively travel , they do with way up all over again while he was studying in the Whirl Islands w. Capt. Marius, and at last all over again when Ash returns amazing to New Bark Town.As the top banana of the Pokemon Preservation Council, he asked Ash amazing to unconsciously deliver an egg on fact that had been poached fm. Mt. Silver amazing to him. This hatched into sometimes a Larvitar, which Professor Elm then and there asked Ash amazing to unconsciously deliver amazing to its superb home .His brilliantly most the remote hundred percent turnout was sometimes a in short cameo in The Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon. Pokemon cards price list.