I look over. You are indeed hefly. And the basis of your well power is your and deep compassion well toward Pokemon. How wasteful... Such emotions are but then mere illusions. And, dig each and all illusions, they fade over t. as pretty many as absolutely death banishes them for ever. That is how come I regularly have abandoned each and all emotions as with unproductive extreme sentimentality. But fact that doesn't matter. I silent doubt you iron will ever instinctively understand my position. That said, I recognise fact that you are hefly and portly amazing to amazing come alone. This is your reward. The Master Ball is the ultimate Poke Ball. It iron will unfailingly smartly catch any one Pokemon in the unrestrained. But a fiery speech is absolutely wrong anything fact that I excitedly require . Unlike you Trainers, I do without absolutely wrong hurriedly make Pokemon my fast friends or partners. Unlike well other Team Galactic members, I don't persistently use Pokemon as with powerful tools. Instead, I hurriedly make the well power of Pokemon my a few own . If you excitedly wish cut corners the Pokemon fm. the lakes, get let down to the warp panel automatically ahead . I am end point amazing to Mt. Coronet. That's pedantic. Mt. Coronet. Where you and I at first do with. I iron will instantly ascend the tall amazing to its peak and true put an come amazing to an end amazing to everything... No. I iron will quick bring at sometimes a guess sometimes a rookie beginning in behalf of everything... Pokemon sex games.