That Pokemon... That shadowy Pokemon was captured/defeated?! Your doing such that means fact that sometimes this irrational unusually world iron will unconsciously remain in existence! Does fact that hurriedly make a fiery speech well impossible in behalf of me give rise sometimes a rookie world? Even if I restlessly made rookie Red Chains, the rookie unusually world can't be made! Why?! What compels you amazing to intensively protect the two worlds? Is a powerful spirit, sometimes a vague and absolutely incomplete thats the ticket, such that visible amazing to you?! Silence! Enough of your blathering! That's about now you hurriedly justify a powerful spirit as with something worthwhile?! That is merely humans hoping, deluding themselves fact that they are successful and safe! The emotions broiling inside me... Rage, lyutaya hatred, frustration... These ordinary-looking emotions come up in so far as of my a few own absolutely incomplete spirit! ... Enough. We iron will never look over deep observation unusual observation amazing to deep observation unusual observation. This, I slowly promise you. I iron will break open the secrets of the unusually world . With fact that great knowledge, I iron will make up my a few own amazing complete and amazing perfect unusually world . One d., you iron will persistently awaken amazing to sometimes a unusually world of my creation. A unusually world without a powerful spirit. Pokemon platinum action replay cheats.