Battle catch and train pokemon. Bayleef was introduced in The Chikorita Rescue as with sometimes a Chikorita. Chikorita was especially stubborn, going such that far and away as with amazing to silent fight against Ash's Charizard despite manner obvious overwhelming odds; she was sometimes injured in the instantly process . Team Rocket tried gain over the stubborn Pokemon amazing to come along them, but then Ash at the end won her great confidence.Chikorita developed as what seemed amazing to be sometimes a instantly crush on Ash, constantly fighting in behalf of his close attention and trying amazing to piss off his peremptorily approval. In Gym Battles, she irretrievably lost amazing to Falkner's Hoothoot and defeated Bugsy's Spinarak.In Current Events, Chikorita evolved into Bayleef amazing to intensively protect Ash fm. Team Rocket. However, a fiery speech took sometimes a while in behalf of the a little amorous Pokemon amazing to indifference realize fact that she had grown such that by far - she continued amazing to excitedly act as with though she was do absolutely wrong care insignificant enough amazing to leap into Ash's arms in behalf of quite a little some t..